Players: Baldheadedprick/Jack1999 are definitive. Mr. G&T is a possibility
$2750 Roll
Game commences this Saturday, and everyone has until DEC 5th to finish the $2750 roll
All wagers to include win, and place on any horse. No exactas
While you need to play both win, and place you do need to have same amount on both
Min Increment $2 /Max Increment $8
$200 payout cap on any 1 horse inclusive of both w/p.
I will keep track of any overages, but for contest purposes Cap is in Place
We all grade our own action, and I will run the tally. Just need a risk/return number each day you play.
Available Circuits/Tracks-NYRA/KY/FLA/CAL/ Woodbine/Laurel
Thur thru Sun Posting Only
Multiple players can play same horse.
All Plays posted in this thread
Post in real time or advance
We are each Putting up $200 payable to the winner at the conclusion.
If a player posts a horse without a wager default is $2 w/p
Player with most $$ returned is the victor
Once a play is posted no changing it out for any reason
In case a name and number of a horse do not match the name takes precedent.
$2750 Roll
Game commences this Saturday, and everyone has until DEC 5th to finish the $2750 roll
All wagers to include win, and place on any horse. No exactas
While you need to play both win, and place you do need to have same amount on both
Min Increment $2 /Max Increment $8
$200 payout cap on any 1 horse inclusive of both w/p.
I will keep track of any overages, but for contest purposes Cap is in Place
We all grade our own action, and I will run the tally. Just need a risk/return number each day you play.
Available Circuits/Tracks-NYRA/KY/FLA/CAL/ Woodbine/Laurel
Thur thru Sun Posting Only
Multiple players can play same horse.
All Plays posted in this thread
Post in real time or advance
We are each Putting up $200 payable to the winner at the conclusion.
If a player posts a horse without a wager default is $2 w/p
Player with most $$ returned is the victor
Once a play is posted no changing it out for any reason
In case a name and number of a horse do not match the name takes precedent.